Check Out Our Exclusive Interview w/ Sukamii


As we continue to make our way towards 2019, new tastemakers are starting to make their way to the forefront of the entertainment industry. One of those names has to be Sukamii, a new creative making serious waves from his hometown of Connecticut. Recently, we got the chance to sit down with the young creative to talk about a variety of topics. Check out the full interview below.

Eddie: What’s your name and how long have you been in the clothing business?

Sukamii: John. I’ve been making clothes since my senior year of high school just drawing on shirts and shit nothing serious but I started the brand Sukamii in 2013.

Eddie: How old are you?

Sukamii: 24

Eddie: Where are you from? Tell us what it’s like in your hometown.

Sukamii: Im from west Hartford CT it’s really slow and boring here nothing exciting ever happens there’s really nothing to do everyone kinda just does the same shit

Eddie: What inspired you to come up with the name “Sukamii” for a clothing brand?

Sukamii: It was honestly random I kinda just thought of the word it’s really weird cause it’s such a perfect name yet it was thought of on the spot in like 10 seconds it just came out and people liked it so it stuck.

Eddie: What inspired you to make characters in your clothing? We see that it has created excellent brand recognition.

Sukamii: I seen what imran Potatoe was doing with the Louis Vuitton and Gucci bootleg stuff and something popped I bang head like I wanna do that but for OG bape and OG bbc and Takashi murakami shit. So I had to literally draw them all over again and at first I was copying directly but then I added the S and changed the colors and made a bunch of my own characters so it’s my twist on old ideas. I like to evolve stuff that’s already made that’s what I’m best at.

Eddie: Where do you see yourself taking the brand in the next few months as it continues to progress in today’s streetwear scene?

Sukamii: I have no idea it really could go anywhere shit just happens randomly you never know an opportunity could just pop up tomorrow and boom . But I could only hope way bigger and I wanna get my clothes to more artist spread more get over seas maybe some stores.

Eddie: How do you see streetwear having a role into today’s rap game?

Sukamii: I feel like streetwear wasn’t apart of rap until asap rocky and Ian Connor they started this whole shit Ever since I can remember first people on streetwear and mixing it with rap and luxury was rocky. And it’ll continue.

Eddie: Name people of interest who’ve been seen wearing your clothes. (Can be at any point in time)

Sukamii: Yung bans, Dj Scheme, Lil Jake , Cole Bennet, Ski Mask The Slump God, Young Thug. And I hope to add more to that soon.


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Eddie: If you could give some advice to any young creatives wanting to start their own business what would it be?

Sukamii: I can’t cause I’m kinda just winging it myself I’m just trying new things and experimenting. Keep making new ideas never stop creating and don’t show people your stuff cause they COPY.


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