Chicago rapper Qari Delivers a Cinematic Visual for “Baghdadi”


Talk about a movie. Chicago rapper Qari blesses our green-friendly pages today with absolutely breathtaking visuals for “Baghdadi”, one of the tracks off his recent mixtape No Time To ExplainQari frequently works and collaborates with one of Chicago’s most reputable producers, Mulatto Beatswho handled the production on this slow burning record along with Sen MorimotoThe record, as most of you probably heard when the mixtape dropped, is mad melodic and super vibe-y. Qari is definitely up next with his smooth melodies and fresh flows. He’s got the kind of music literally anyone can listen too, regardless of who you are. Additionally, the visuals are absolutely unreal, I would tell you all about them, but I’d rather you go see it for yourself. Go check out the Stripmall-directed visual above. No problem in advance.


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