Smoke DZA, who is getting ready to drop his new LP Rugby Thompson with Harry Fraud tomorrow, spoke with Interview Magazine about ghostwriting, not writing raps down anymore, how he got discovered, Jet Life and more. My favorite excerpt from the interview is this part:
ON MAKING “LIFESTYLE” MUSIC: We [rappers like DZA and Curren$y] don’t get enough credit for that. We’re great storytellers. “Lifestyle” music is a story about a day in the life. Whatever I was doing that moment, however I felt at that exact time, whatever reference we drop… that’s just how we feel at the time.
We all know Smoke DZA is a good ass rapper, but if he wasn’t the same “Weed” rapper that everyone seems to box him in as, would he still be George Kush Da Button though? I like how he addressed it in his interview with Good Fella. But if that’s how people want to categorize DZA, I’m glad he knows he one of the best at what he does. Substance Abuse was one of my favorite projects of 2010, but all respect to DZA, I was not a big fan of Rolling Stoned initially. Sitting at 13 tracks, which is a little more than half that appeared on Substance Abuse, and 5 songs are around 2 minutes long, I was kinda disappointed. With 5 songs the length of 2 minutes, that means a little less than half the album felt like quick freestyles. The production on it was tight, but as a DZA fan comparing his last project to his new project at the time, I hope you can see why I felt that way. For the rest of the songs, they were dope because we all know how bangin’ “Personal Party” and “4 Loko” was. I haven’t had the time to listen to Rugby Thompson through the full stream because I haven’t sat at the computer for that long yet, so I’m looking forward to it dropping tomorrow so I can put it on the Pod. But from the leaks so far, it’s shaping up to be a solid project.
Back to the main topic which is the reason why this post was even made, you can read the full interview with the KUSHEDGOD here.