Earl Sweatshirt – GQ Interview



Odd Future have stepped up from their independent shit since they pumped out 2 major label albums just this year alone. Tyler came first with Wolf to rave reviews, and yesterday, Earl Sweatshirt followed it up with Doris.  The youngest member in Odd Future isn’t the same kid that we use to see in the kitchen drinking fucked up concoctions with his friends.  Since the release of his “EARL” video and the release of Doris, he’s gone from being in somewhat of a rehab in Samoa to coming back home and dealing with his new-found fame, and now performing on Jimmy Fallon’s show.  Recently, he’s sat down with GQ to talk about everything that’s been going on for the past two years like what his living conditions were in Samoa, his 19th birthday, his girlfriend, new album, and more in this in-depth interview.  Check out an excerpt below:

Was there a moment before leaving where things got so bad that you realized you needed to go?

I didn’t even give a fuck. I was so heated when I went. And I was heated right after I went. And for like a year. I don’t know if there was a moment when I realized shit was best for me, but my mom was just like – I was just fighting her back and forth all night on why the “Free Earl” shit wasn’t fucked up or whatever. Every week, you’d meet with the therapist and talk to your parents. She was telling me she was afraid to go to work and she was having trouble getting dressed in the morning – to like get up and go to work and shit. She just didn’t know what to do. I guess it’s just one of those things where the line is drawn. You get to stand on either side of it. That was a fucked-up feeling.



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