Flee And Cash Cobain Link For Their Soon-To-Be Smash


Two of NYC’s brightest rising stars have linked yet again for their collaboration “In This”. Both Flee and Cash have had the city on tilt for a while now, but it seems as if the breakthrough is almost upon us. Cash‘s tag rings through the airwaves and from the music side, the Slizzy‘s are become known across the nation. Flee should never be doubted as well. He’s penned some real classics, but “In This” is yet another stellar notch in the belt.

This wave is a mellow mood allowing for a melding of both skillsets from this duo. They trade flows but truly accent the other side of the coin. We’d love to see more from Flee and Cash, but something tells us this won’t be the last. Do yourself a favor and get hip to the abundance of gas below.


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