Homeboy Sandman – Sputnik (Prob. by Howard Lloyd) [video]


On Homeboy Sandman’s newest visual contribution, he relays a “no subject is safe” verbal display over a old school sleuth cinematic theme. As he investigates topics like: female breasts, R. Kelly, zombie porn, Winston Churchill, ODB, Kevin Durant, Okay Player, weed smokers, the Dos Equis guy, Duran Duran, and Georgia O’Keefe just to name a few, we get to watch him cycle through cliche mystery novel scenarios and odd camera effects. Somehow he relates the topics consciously and makes it all rhyme in a very matter of fact kind of way. The third verse breaks the loosely established motif and launches into a nonsensical spanglish lyrical barrage that manages to maintain the same level of freshness as the previous ADD bars. While putting the “holmes” in Sherlock with his mixed linguistics display, the visual depicts him cheesed out, snooping around a crime scene some where in New York City. What the fuck will he come up with next?


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