Jxylen Gifts His Deluxe “Project Mayhem: Fight Club Edition”


Massachusetts is a hotbed for talent and over the past 5 years, the viewpoint of the world is slowly starting to change. Aside from the Van Buren Boys, Heath240, Johan, Bia, Stizz, Christmas, and Stizz, there are still a ton of artists ripe for the picking. Today’s case is about Jxylen and his deluxe variation of the project Project Mayhem: Flight Club Edition.

In these new fourteen cuts, you are taken back to a type of production that basks in shining simplicity. A lot of ominous keys, and sample chops that make the mind fiend for more. And this is a great auditory appetizer for people.

“Memento” with LOS is probably my favorite cut of the bunch, but there isn’t a wave that really falls behind the rest. Jxylen‘s tone is always brimming from the shadows will stellar aggression. “Blxck Sheeps Clothing” is another example of such but this man struts atop the percussion as he tip-toes through the night sky. We’re impressed by the quality of this opus from top to bottom, and if you’re in your Griselda bag, you’re gonna fucking love this.


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