Music Tracks

Kweku Collins – Lonely Lullabies


Every now and then you find an artist that truly carries themselves the way a true entertainer should. In today’s fucked up world, we have lost sight of what truly makes us happy. Sometimes it’s just a casual walk around your house, or maybe it’s a victory by your favorite sports team after a long, shitty week at work. Either way, we have lost sight of what really makes our engines pump; filling our voids with useless ideologies and money.

Sometimes it takes something, ANYTHING, to make you realize that what you have been doing the last few months isn’t what you should be doing at all. Some may call it a realization, I call it your destiny within. Only catch is, that most people miss the opportunity every time it’s in front of their face – not me. Collins’ music is like a warm, sunny day filled with doobie smoke and beach vibes. And not only does it FEEL good, it IS good. Kweku’s lyrics are laced with true experiences that the average person goes through; not this bullshit that fills the airwaves nowadays. His music makes you cherish the past, but at the same time makes yearn to be good in the future. It makes you want jump out of your seat and dance, but also makes you want to hold an elderly person’s hand as she walks into your local department store. Collins’ music is everything good in this world and MUCH, much more. It’s honestly hard to explain, but hey, this best things in life go unexplained — and this is just another thing to do add to the list.

Anyways, enough of me talking: I was rummaging through the internet the past few hours and stumbled upon a couple new tracks that I think the world should hear. I honestly don’t care if they’re old, you can go fuck yourself this shit is dope.


BONUS: Here’s some of his latest work.


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