Lancey Foux Just Dropped The Snippet We’ve All Been Waiting For


I know the British have taken plenty of losses over the past month, but Lancey Foux finally dropping “Lancey or Lancey” might just make up for it. After tearing the minute-long, low-quality snippet to shreds in my local files for two weeks, it feels incredible to finally not only hear it, but get a visual as well.

Lancey has clearly crafted his own lane towards superstardom not just east of the Atlantic Ocean, but worldwide. Gaining buzz heavily in the states over the past few years and going on a country-wide tour, Lancey sees himself growing incredibly fast. It’s great to see him capitalizing on his success and go harder with these releases.

I absolutely love this song. It never gets boring, just two minutes of an incredible performance from top to bottom. It’s only up from here Lancey, or should I say Lancey? I don’t know anymore. Check it out.



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