Pardyalone Gifts A Fourth Quarter Smash Called “Test 11”


Pardy has brought out countless cuts that the world has fallen in love with, but it seems like with every drop we become more impressed by his versatility. Choosing some more Rap-inspired instrumentation, we see our protagonist trying to find his balance in a world of chaos. The self-awareness that young man possesses is astounding because you wouldn’t be able to express yourself, especially in the form of music without that trait.

With a couple of friends in the skatepark to the liquor store, we see shots framing the fight between Pardy‘s emotions. This man has a lot on his mind and is trying to break through to the other side, which has clarity and peace. The direction from Jake Carter plays off a relatively simple plot line, but the use of location, light, and overall composition of this video makes for a stellar moment from start to finish.

in 2023 we have a strange feeling the flood with continue and it will only be accompanied by more hits to feel to. Whatever instrumentation you throw at him, he can conquer, but he’s going to play the game the only way Pardyalone knows how. With passion. Peep the gas below.


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