Minneapolis-based artist Ricki Monique recently came out with the lead single off her upcoming EP, Cereal, and it’s been in my rotation since then. The track was accompanied by a live performance video, perfectly fitting to the track. Comparable to flows from Noname, Saba, and others alike, Ricki Monique comes in with punchy delivery and clever inflections to make for a really engaging listen and great energy surrounding the track.
The self-motivating lyrics really display Ricki’s impressive pen and ability to have some depth behind the track while still maintaining that upbeat, fun energy she’s well known for.
“This song was created as a sonic affirmation to remind me that I was built to be great. I put affirmations from my mother and sisters in the hook and brought up feelings of depression and hardships in the first verse to portray a sense of everything-ness.
This is definitely one of my favorite drops in recent memory, make sure to check out the live performance video below.