Watch Yung Pinch & blackbear’s New “Beach Ballin'” Visual


Yung Pinch famously known as the beach boy returns to our smokey page with his new visual for “Beach Ballin'” featuring none other than, blackbear. The video directed by Nicholas Jandora puts Pinch and Bear in multiple fictional but relatable to the song and their lives. As the video progresses, we see what Pinch/Bear go through with industry players and the average thot. Pinch still shines bright nonetheless and Blackbear adds the right energy to this record.

With the new year just getting started, Pinch is already taking advantage of the new decade. I’m very excited to see what the rest of the project will sound like when Pinch drops it. Stay on your toes for that project and enjoy the new video with Yung Pinch and Blackbear. Burn one!


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