
Well, if you keep up with the site, I predicted a few days ago that OG Maco would likely become 2015’s new sensation. And just like that, he’s already proving me right – Ha! Fuck you.

Like I’ve said many times before, OGG is a very unique rapper that rarely gets the credit he deserves. I’ve heard people say: “All he does is scream,” or better yet, “He doesn’t say shit in his songs.” I don’t even trip anymore, I just move on, light a blunt, and continue on my way. OG Maco has that next level talent whether you agree with me or not. You’ll see.

Anyways, with the likes of Chuck Inglish, Proto Cal, and LC On The Traxx, OGG liberates a surprise EP (if you follow him on Twitter then you would know this wasn’t a surprise) called BREATHE out of nowhere. Stream the three-track release below.


  1. I thought all he did was scream, but shit, I liked the screaming: It was different, and the 1st song I heard from him was FuckEmx3 on a friend’s blog. At first I was gonna dismiss it, but I listened to it again, and again… and once more. The I watched that little bio movie he uploaded about how he came up. It inspired me, because I wanna film a documentary as well since I’m going through that stage. I wanted to hear more of his music afterwards and I’m definitely interested in what else he can do. Thank you for the post Joey!

    – Zane


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