Brent Rambo Gives Us His Take On Memes & Life w/ New Project “Life Is A Joke”


Coming out of Chicago, Noir Brent, or Brent Rambo, has made a huge name for himself by producing a number of hits for artists across the rising rap scene. Switching gears for the beginning of 2019, he releases a 15 track EP, Life Is A Joke. The tape immediately jumps off the page with Rambo showing a innate understanding for social media, and media in general in regards to our generation with a short monologue about memes and their place in society, even acknowledging that people such as himself use them to communicate. With the first song, “Live Studio Audience” Rambo gives us a satirical take on performing in front of the crowd that ooo’s and ahh’s at his clever punchlines.

Overall with collaborations from RonSoColdGinsengNolanberollinOscar100, Uglyfriend and more, this tape is the most successful combination of things we love on twitter, memes, and things we love outside of twitter, banging tracks. Check this out below, and let us know how many memes you can spot in this tape via our own twitter! Ohh…you didn’t spot any? That’s cause you’re deaf…no, no you’re deaf, that’s never not worked.



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