New Orleans Native Sean Christian Debuts His First Solo Single, “Do What I Say”


Relocation is a common occurrence in life. Hardly ever do we finish in the same town we started in, but still, that pride of where you were first introduced to the world, it’s specials. That’s why even though New Orleans native Sean Christian has been in Las Vegas since High School, the soul of the bouyo boy can still be heard in his music, including his first solo single, “Do What I Say”.

Despite the record being a little more up-tempo than a lot of the work Sean was doing as a trumpeter/vocalist for his group, The Noir Movement, “Do What I Say” serves as the perfect lead single for Christian’s solo transition. Effortlessly riding the incredibly infectious production provided by Such&Such, Sean decides to ditch the horn and the crooning for a convincing rap performance that’s sure to surprise familiar listeners. With a melodically driven chorus that cleverly plays onto the brain tricks that help make music so hard to forget, it’s obviously that Sean is moving in the right direction. Check out Sean’s first single below, and get familiar with the ascending soul star.


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