Sxmmer’96 Pairs With Lil Loski For The Electric New Cut Entitled “Do Better”


Featured Image By @jaypexvisuals

These are two up and comers rising above the rest out of Ohio. They go by the names of Sxmmer’96 and Lil Loski, while both are making a great argument for why the world should pay attention. Sxmmer starts things off on this laid-back cut accompanied by some poignant guitar and bellowing bass provided by Nextlane Beats.

This is all about shitting on your girls ex because he was a weenie and how it’s greener on the other side. Sxmmer delivers things in a higher register allowing Loski to follow in his baritone pocket. Loski‘s sound has become more well rounded because he knows the strengths of his voice. Both of these guys are going to make some noise in the upcoming months, so don’t sleep on this one below.


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