Heath240 Is Back And Better Than Ever With His New Cut Called “License Plate”


Heath is obviously a Chiefers favorite but it’s not just because we love the work he contributes. It’s because this man has a pen as lethal as the best of them. “License Plate” is Heath‘s newest effort, and its gentle yet catchy qualities are at the forefront. With a light and memorable guitar riff, Heath paints the world in whatever color he pleases. The mood is that of a Summer or Spring wave, but in these winter months, we need whatever we can get to warm our wretched souls.

What separates Heath from the rest of the pack is the honesty in his songwriting and the sheer talent that oozes from the seams. You can hear the passion and emotion, but on this one, it’s more a celebration of getting older and wiser. Heath with continue to show and prove with these efforts and we won’t be surprised when the world catches on. Until the next batch of gas, peep it all below.


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