Kevin Sinatra Delivers The Aptly-Titled EP “Who Gives a F***”


First off great title because honestly, that’s what I’ve been on for a minute now. We need real artists who know the industry is full of shit, and we need them to make art that reflects that unhinged state of creation. What this rambling brings us to is the fact that Kevin Sinatra is truly himself and he isn’t making music curated by the machine. He is said machine and in just three cuts, we are blown away by the sounds.

Well technically two and a remix but “IJDGAF” feels like an ode to yesteryear’s free-form brilliance. Then the revamped variation adds a technicolor statement of bliss when it comes to the instrumentation. Essentially the original cut acts as an appetizer for the latter of the pair. “Fuckin Listen” with Belis rounds out this quick EP, but does it in such a memorable fashion. Let alone Belis‘ lush and aerated tone making for a real moment of bliss, this duo melds their talents quite well.

I hear shades of Theophilus London’s music in this effort and that’s a real compliment in my world. Sinatra isn’t overshadowed by the comparison, instead, he strides to just be himself unapologetically and that’s what I get from the music. Who Gives A F*** is worth the time, peep it all below.


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