Fox News Is Not Feeling Kendrick Lamar’s BET Awards Performance



Kendrick Lamar’s BET performance has been dubbed one the greatest performances in BET Awards history. Atop a vandalized police car with a giant American flag, K. Dot proceeded to drop knowledge and power amongst the thousands of people in attendance.

While the attending audience applauded the performance, Fox News apparently wasn’t feeling it. The Compton rapper was accused of calling out of police brutality, as host Geraldo Rivera claimed:

This is exactly the wrong message. And then to conflate what happened in the church in Charleston, South Carolina with these tragic incidents involving excessive use of force by cops is to equate that racist killer with these cops, it is so wrong, it is so counterproductive, it gives exactly the wrong the message.[…]

It doesn’t recognize that a city like Baltimore, where — remember Freddie Gray — they’ve had a homicide a day since Freddie Gray, no one’s protesting that. Baltimore, a tiny city, 7% the size of New York, has just as many murders as New York. You know, we’ve got to wake up at a certain point and understand what’s going on here.

Now, without getting to involved in this idiocracy, Geraldo Rivera is a fuckin’ retard. Like, holy fuck how can one person be so damn stupid?

Anyways, being the man he is, Kendrick Lamar calmly responded by saying the visual performance was to promote inner peace and struggle — the total opposite of what Dr. Dick Fuck was trying to say. God bless Kendrick Lamar.




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