Ace Cosgrove – Us Vs. Robots


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Maryland’s Ace Cosgrove has caught a lot of attention in recent months, and this time around he tickles ears with his unique, off-the-wall project, titled Us Vs. Robots. The 23-year-old is the solo vocalist on the tape, but has a wide range of quality production that brings him all over the spectrum sonically. At times he reminds me of Danny Brown, but he’s really just an eclectic mix of a bunch of sounds. In his previous interview with XXL Magazine, Cosgrove speaks on his originality:

I’m not going to be the next big deal. I am not going to be the next other guy. I’m gonna be the next Ace Cosgrove. I think a lot of music is sounding exactly the same. I just want to provide different music and just good music. Music that people can actually roll down the street with actual lyrics, not just “Oh, I’m about to pop a molly and fuck your bitch.”

Listen below & enjoy.

Follow him on Twitter | @ace_cosgrove

Long live hip hop.



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