Big Body Bes Delivers A Flawless Sermon In These Visuals For “Tears Of A Tiger”


Bes is one of the most prominent voices of the people. His baritone bellows shake foundations and intimidate foreign adversaries. Though, to fully understand his greatness you have to listen to the pain that bleeds through when he speaks. Body has seen some shit, but rising above is the name of the game and he seems to check that box as well.

While donning exquisite linens and enjoying the fruits of his labor, we hear this icon float atop the production from Harry Fraud. Real shots of agony and afflictions melded with Big Body‘s vision of success, bring us a powerful dichotomy between the two. This is something you wake up at that crack of dawn, listen to, then go do some carpentry work. It puts the battery in your back to deal with the bullshit of the world. With the long-awaited Body Language on the way, who knows what this man will drop next. Big Body Bes motivates more than Tony Robbins, so stream this gas below.


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