Bill Maher Explains the Hypocrisy of Politicians That Smoked Pot


When it comes to people that have been former President’s of the United States, it’s really hard for them to utter the words: “I use to smoke weed,” for whatever reason. But when you think about, we ALL know over 85% of them have tried it before –and shit I would even go as far as to say some still are smoking it.

If you watch the video above, Bill Maher elegantly explains how he feels that it’s time for these hypocrites to lighten up on what is deemed a marijuana prohibition.

Maher and Snoop

Bill believes that it’s “time to declare that the media ritual of asking presidential candidates if they’ve ever smoked pot can be put to rest, because the answer is always ‘yes’ and nobody cares.”

And we couldn’t agree more. Bill Maher for president?!?



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