BRB Loopy Is Another Budding Artist Out Of East St. Louis , Tap Into His Visuals For “Fuck Rap”


There’s got to be something in the water in East St. Louis because there are so many young artists on the cusp of breaking through everyday. Today we’re here to highlight BRB Loopy and his new video dedicated to the trap entitled “Fuck Rap.” You can feel the hunger and pain in Loopy‘s voice, which soothes the ear with a rugged twang.

With direction from Vzual Plug, the video isn’t wild and outlandish, instead it allows the viewer to focus on the reason we’re all here, the music. Loopy is frustrated with music at the moment and turns to what he knows best. The instrumentation sets a solid backdrop, steadily providing uptempo energy throughout the song. This man has a serious chance to change his life with this music and this is a great notch in his belt. We’re rocking with this one heavy and you should too, so peep the gas below.


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