Chicago’s Rap Duo CGE Blesses us with “Hold Tight”


Dolo Blues and JustTheOtherDay make up Chicago’s newest rap duo CGE. Chicago being home to many of our current favorite musicians, I am sure CGE will be amongst them in due time. Following in the footsteps of Sicko Mobb this duo explores the melodic wave of hip hop that’s been dominating the charts the past years. Their latest release, “Hold Tight” is some of their best work as of yet. 

On this track, CGE comes together to give a stellar performance over a slick guitar riff reminiscent of something Rod Wave would be on. However, CGE brings their own identity and sound to the record. Their auto-tune-dripped vocals highlight the struggles they endured during their lives and how their team held them down no matter what. Featured on the track is Farrari Yanni. He floats over the production and adds a new dimension from a sonic perspective. Analyzing his past to highlight his future, Yanni brings some nuance to the track. This is a deep personal cut to ride with and get comfortable seeing the name CGE.


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