Chief Keef to Perform via Hologram To Raise Money For Toddler Killed in Car Accident


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Chief Keef is set to host a charity concert in Chicago to help raise money for the family of Dillan Harris, the family of a one-year-old who was killed by the man fleeing the shooting of Keef’s homie, Chicago rapper Capo.

Although he wants to help out, Chief Keef can’t officially attend in person, presumably tied his “outstanding warrants,” according to the Chicago Tribune. Instead, the Chicago rapper said he’ll be down to perform via hologram from a soundstage in Beverly Hills.

Keef said to the Chicago Tribune: “I’m just so heartbroken and appalled” by the situation, also saying he’s going to start up the Stop the Violence Now Foundation to help prevent similar occurrences from happening again.

You go, Keef.


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