Undiscovered Gems: Civ Pierre Is On Another Level With “Black Tiger”


It’s official: Civ Pierre has blown our fucking minds. The California rapper has been hard at work for the past few years, mainly showing up via guest verses, but he’s staking his own territory now and the results are unbelievable.

First thing’s first, the beat is a goddamn masterpiece. It oscillates between a number of different genres in its sub-three minute span, crossing miles of sonic territory. Civ‘s flow and lyricism are nothing short of masterful. He packs a wild amount of deliveries into the short track, way more than you would think is possible. For an emerging artist, it’s rare to find something that’s so finely crafted and fully formed, but Civ has accomplished that crazy feat. Peep “Black Tiger” on SoundCloud down below, and check out its companion track “EST. 20,” which is crazy dope as well.


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