Dog and Yvncc Drop Psychedelic New Music Video


It’s no question that California is a hub for musical talent. With so much new music circulating daily, it’s easy to fall into a pattern of hearing reused and recycled sounds. When it comes to music from California natives Dog and Yvncc, however, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

The two young creatives recently met up to effortlessly conduct, one of the most unique and addicting, sounding songs of the year, pairing it with an absolutely psychedelic video from WIM and TheRCYProject. The artists met as undergraduates in the Taxidermy program at Southern New Hampshire University in the fall 2018 and automatically clicked with both juxtaposed lyrical approaches and saccharine pop melodies. Their newest Offering “That Girl” is a Perfect encapsulation of this effortlessly enticing sound. The video features highly saturated purple shots of the two amateur taxidermists performing the song with quick cuts and each of their unique flows shining through. 

If you’re looking for something that sounds just like everything else, this is not it. What you will get with this record is refreshing and easily palatable. Watch the newest video from Dog and Yvncc below.


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