DripReport Is The Newest Internet Sensation w/ “Skechers”


The internet seems to break up and coming stars everyday and today it’s DripReport from an undisclosed location, well I really don’t know where he’s from. He recently dropped this song titled, “Skechers” and it’s unique approach to the record is what differentiates it from the rest. DripReport is dancing in his light up Skechers, spitting some pretty hot bars if I must say with really good production as well. We really don’t know who DripReport is or if that’s really him on the cover art? But I think India and the world have themselves another star.

The song is now #6 on the United States Viral 50 via Spotify and is appearing on other playlists. Along with an outstanding 4mil+ on YouTube. DripReport is really moving up in the internet world of music and I’m excited to see what’s next for the future incognito artist as of now. Check out his new song “Skechers” below!


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