Driving High Increases Significantly in Washington State



After watching stoned drivers for a year now, the Washington Traffic Safety Commission has finally released some data on drivers under the influence of marijuana. The state Commission office says the percentage of drivers involved in deadly accidents has doubled between the years of 2014 and 2010.

Although the percentages are 84 percent (2014) versus 44 percent (2010), the number of drivers who tested positive for marijuana was not different at all – 89 in 2014 versus 81 in 2010. The commission also states that authorities now test for both THC and marijuana residue, called carboxy, due to the fact that marijuana stays in your system for over 30 days — plus everyone smokes pot.

The commission’s report says:

The 75 THC-positive drivers in 2014 comprised the highest number of THC-positive drivers in any year during the five-year period studied. The 51 drivers who only had alcohol in their systems (and were over the per se limit) in 2014 were the lowest number of such drivers in the study period.

Although it looks bad for the stoners, the Commission’s report states that marijuana statistics should be taken with a grain of salt until further accurate information arises.


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