Exclusive: Catching Up with Rising Rapper Samron Agnew



As far as up and comers go, Samron Agnew is one of the artists with the most potential to be great. His passion for his craft is evident in the way he lives his life, and I recently got the chance to chat with him about his year and life so far.

Hailing from Aurora, Illinois, the eighteen year old rapper started experimenting with music in 6th grade. He liked to freestyle and spent his time in class writing lyrics, but was on and off with his focus with it. At the same time, he was also a prominent athlete in both football and basketball. Up until his junior year, he prioritized sports first, and music in the offseason.

Every artist usually has a moment, or period of time where they put everything else behind their craft and make their life to make it a reality. For Samron this moment came after his junior year football season. That season he didn’t perform the best due to the all too common politics that are involved with sports. That combined with moving schools late and losing his passion led to him rethinking his outlook. As he sat during lunch after the season, he had a realization, “Damn, I don’t know if football is gonna be my thing and I don’t know if I want it to”. Later on that day, he ended up talking to Fades and the rest has been history. After connecting on the rare track “wdym” Samron and Fades went on to make music every day together for months. During this process they would make entirely new songs each day, and then scrap them due to improving their craft with each try.

The first song out of these trials was “Minimum Wage”. If you’re a fan of him, you already know that song really shows their hit making potential, as the track may have been the foundation for the rising star status of Samron. Since the success of that song, Samron and Fades have known that they have something together, and they’ve known what to do in order to capitalize. Their bond is deeper than blood, and for Samron, he is always solid with people that have been real with him. He is a large supporter of his collective, which Fades himself is a part of as well. Their name is Worst Wishes, and their family consists of Samron, Fades, Shun, Brayden Valerie and JJ. Having a strong group around an aspiring talent has been spectacular in the past, and Worst Wishes has the makings of being the next cult collective to flood the streams.

As far as 2018 goes, Samron wants to be great. As a rapper, he wants to be seen as a god amongst his competition. He idolizes the likes of Kanye West, Will Smith, and Frank Ocean for their mysterious aura that seems to attract without needing to have social media.

He plans to finalize some singles to drop sometime this month, and then it is time for a project. He has an idea, but no concrete title yet, and plans to make his debut video one of the songs of that project! With what he’s produced so far, I expect this tape to be extremely well constructed, with his unique style showing through in an overall great project. After that, the world is at Worst Wishes disposal, so stay tuned for any updates!


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