Ezri Pays Homage To A Fallen Legend In The Vivid Video For His “RIP Nip Freestyle”


It’s been a little bit over a year since the world lost the legendary Nipsey Hussle. Sometimes an artist’s attempts to pay homage to those who have passed come off as corny or arrogant. From Ezri‘s standpoint he gifted a serious freestyle with vivid shots of Los Angeles as mindful tribute.

Pairing with the inventive eye of FakeDell, we see Ezri in some rare Fragment and Kaws linens while delivering unwavering vocal prowess. The shots are clean and crisp, more focused on the landscape than outlandish edits. The bars are heartfelt, but don’t sound too preachy in a time of remembrance. This is was tastefully done, and we have to respect the wave. RIP to Nipsey and tap into the video below.


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