Get Familiar With Rising Artist Moe Faygoo And His Video For “Food Stamps”


We rarely post content that isn’t brand new, and that is one of the things that makes Daily Chiefers so great. However, Moe Faygoo and his video for “Food Stamps” is well worthy of looking back a couple of months and highlighting. The ignorantly comical visual piece is a top video of 2019 and hints at the future success of this soon-to-be-star.

Moe Faygoo is a Columbus-native who’s made it pretty clear that he’s bound for success in the music scene. He’s made it on our pages today in regards to his video for the KB Films-edited video “Food Stamps”. These shots are prime examples of quality content in an age of overwhelmingly redundant music visuals. The sound is on point, as are the frames and editing. What is most impressive is his ability to leave a comical impression on his audience. When an artist boasts a personality along with great music, it’s a sure sign of success. Moe Faygoo is giving potential fans plenty of reasons to rock with him, and the video for “Food Stamps” is an incredible indication of his artistic identity. Watch below as Moe and his clique feast upon money, while sporting ski masks, high fashion, and handguns.


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