Goodbye Tomorrow – The Way [Video]


Goodbye Tomorrow’s latest LP Goodbye Tomorrow: A Journey Through The Mind of a Non Believer has been burning through our headphones for the past few weeks, and today, the rising collective returns once again with the visual for “The Way.” Speaking to Noisey, the anonymous group said this:

Døn͢’t givë̠̠ in͓ tø dü̠̠ality⃔. ₸he wo͛®ld i$ not sø b⃕la¢k and white͙. peÅce №t ¢om͓prømis⃒e… The concept of the video is the fucking truth…like, that’s the truth, that’s how the world actually is. It’s actually evil motherfuckers that are machine ass niggas that take you and program you.


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