If You Don’t Know By Now, Wario Slim Has A Smash On His Hands With “Who Are You?/Playboy Bunny”


Yeah this is some serious heat which embodies a number of genres and it comes from an essentially unknown genius. Wario Slim dropped this on SoundCloud 5 months back, but we thought that right now would be the perfect time to tell you about. Wario‘s choice of instrumentation, blends through alternative waves, alongside it’s rap-inspired percussion handled by jovi and stardust. Then when it comes to Slim‘s vocals and songwriting, it’s very rigid, like a classic rock loving punk singer.

Wario‘s attitude and resentment for those who broke his heart have fueled this wondrous opus. The raw emotion translates incredibly well taking us to a place where we have felt the same type of hurt. Word around town there’s a video on the way and we’re sure that’s going to run these streams up as well. It’s only a matter of time until this guy pops off, but before then remember where you read this and enjoy the gas below.


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