iLoveMakonnen Attacked at NYC Concert: Courtesy of Troy Ave?



OVO’s newest signee and 2014’s hottest upcomer was found by some trouble last night during his show with Rae Sremmurd in New York. iLoveMakonnen was fittingly performing his smash hit “Club Goin’ Up on a Tuesday” Tuesday night, and reached out to give a guy in the front row a handshake—but not before he was pulled down and punched by the intruder (video below).

Now, the guy had absolutely no type of hands and, at most, landed a hammer fist to the back of Makonnen’s shoulder, but seriously—WTF? Makonnen seems like a nice enough guy, but who knows why dude tried to attack him.

One theory that has come up is that Troy Ave may have let the dogs out on Mr. Tuesday. It all started when Troy Ave dropped a trash remix to “Tuesday,” to which Makonnen responded by calling it “the worst” remix of the song. Ave then proceeded to subtweet Makonnen (really, Troy?) with this threatening statement:


Now, that tweet has since been deleted, but Troy clearly had some sort of ill feelings towards the ATLien, and it isn’t farfetched to think he had one of his lackeys go to the Makonnen show and pull that stunt.

But again, who knows. Maybe there’s more to it. Maybe Troy Ave is just a bunch of talk. Either way, his Tuesday remix still sucks and Makonnen’s signed to Drizzy Drake. We know who’s really winning, and whose career to date is just one big “LOL.”


Long live hip hop.



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