The folks at Reform California, part of an initiative to legalize marijuana in California, wants to make the most of today’s 4/20 holiday. While stoners rejoice, Reform Cali has been organizing a social media campaign that is seeking support for the pro-legalization cause — blasting pro-marijuana info via messages on your Twitter and Facebook accounts.
Reform Cali wants you to sign up for a service called Thunderclap, allowing you to add your Twitter or Facebook message to the 4:20 social media blast.
Reform, a mission by the Coalition for Cannabis Policy Reform (CCPR), hopes to add an alcohol-style regulation for those 21 and older on next year’s presidential ballot, using this platform to help boost the awareness.
California voters turned down a bid at legalization in 2010. But things have changed a lot since then — with Colorado, Washington and Alaska all legalizing the amazing plant.
Here’s your chance to transform 4/20 into something more! Head to ThunderClap now.