Jonah Hill Interviews Action Bronson for Interview Magazine



Interview Magazine, a publication founded in 1969 by artist Andy Warhol and British journalist John Wilcock, released an interesting piece that features interviews with celebrities, conducted by other celebrities.

Their latest interview features Oscar-nominated actor Jonah Hill interviewing Queens, New York rapper Action Bronson, where the two spoke about Bronson’s origin, his cooking, his live show and much more.

You can read an excerpt from the piece below:

HILL: I hit you up after I heard “Easy Rider.” I was like, “This is a new leaf turned.” You’re not holding anything back. And sometimes people not holding anything back isn’t good. [laughs] But I hear this and go, “Okay. Fuck yes. This is Action.”

BRONSON: I made some decisions a while back. I had to be my own man. I worked with my father [as a cook at his restaurant] for a long time. I acted real immature. And when I broke my leg, I just felt like, after that, I was just going to go fucking balls to the wall with everything that I did. I was going to make decisions and stick with them, and they just turned out to be right. When you take responsibility for your life, good things start happening.

HILL: Well, when you’re just yourself and you’re eccentric … I told your manager, “You walk Action into a room, people don’t see some TV actor or some shit—it’s like he’s already a star. There’s shimmery, shiny stardust emanating from him.”

BRONSON: I’m like a diamond in the rough, man.

HILL: I just see the value, the rarities of people.

BRONSON: It’s some rare shit, man, because I’m not your typical looking person.

HILL: [laughs] It’s not that.

BRONSON: I appreciate it. Some people don’t get it.

The full interview can be read here.


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