Ludacris Released A 20-Minute Compilation Called LudaVerses To Prepare Us For His Upcoming Album


29th Annual Nightclub & Bar Convention And Trade Show - Day 1

Ludacris has released LudaVerses, a 20-minute song that acts as the MC’s latest mixtape.

LudaVerses is a compilation of the verses Luda’s delivered over the last few months for remixes and non-album cuts. It’s full of what you’d expect from ‘Cris: hard punchlines, an animated delivery and a larger than life flare. The recently engaged MC’s remixes of  Bobby Shmurda’s “Hot N—a,” and Makonnen’s “Tuesday”  are among the tracks you can find in this 20-minute cut.

If this is still not enough Luda to fill your appetites, you can also check out his Burning Bridges EP.

But even with all of this new music, Luda is just teasing us for his long-awaited new album Ludaversal, which is now set to be released March 31.


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