Majeur Unveils His New Visuals For The Single “Pole Go Hit”


Okay, this video is a movie! Cincinnati’s, Majeur, links up with the good people at Hivemind to bring us some vibrant new visuals for “Pole Go Hit”. Yes, this is a very modern take on rap, but Majeur’s confidence is what pulls this through. Atop emphatic production from Drugzilla, this guy takes us on a journey through his mind, while we see edits of Blue’s Clues and Majeur himself in a bathtub full of milk. So yeah, this is as different as different gets, but Majeur is here to bring us something different rather than the same old song and dance. Filmed by Grant Meeker, edited by Alex Constante and with illustrations by Riley Savage, this three minutes and thirty four seconds are wild. Watch out for more from Majeur and stream the chaos above.


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