Mavi Is Back With His Emphatic Set Of Frames For “SMH”


Mavi is really one of the best bar for bar artists right now and I think a good portion of the world would agree with me. It seems from the pace of Mavi‘s cadence that he hates oxygen because his breathe control is top-tier as well. I look at his sound like the other side of the coin in a melody-driven, modern music world. It’s refreshing to hear someone who is a student of the game turn this shit on it’s head on with pure fundamentals.

This isn’t an autotuned, braggadocios attempt at mainstream clout, this is a dose of Mavi’s reality and it’s something we need to hear. In these shots we see the backdrop is the concrete jungle, with direction from REVENXNT, this isn’t overtly complicated, but it keeps up focused on what matters, the music. While the stellar production is handled by simply NT and L.A. Mavi is truly becoming a legend before our eyes, give him his flowers and tap in below.


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