Undiscovered Gems: Morray’s Video For “Quicksand” Is The Newest Viral Sensation With The Voice To Back It Up


Morray dropped these visuals on the 30th of October, it’s now the fifth of November its at 200,000 views already. The industry is taking notes and I’m sure there’s an abundance of meetings happening because of this man’s sound. His voice is smooth and accents the brilliantly addictive guitar chords. The production is just minimal enough to allow his voice to be the main attraction, as it very well should be.

This crooner from Fayetteville, NC has a rich baritone register that can creep up and down whatever range he prefers. The video isn’t overtly complicated, but showcases Morray‘s reality and what it’s like at home. With the video handled by Jax Of North, he understood that the artist is the most important piece of the puzzle. This one is going to be huge, so don’t miss the plane.


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