North Carolina’s Kevin Powers and BigBabyGucci Join Forces on New Single, “Company”


North Carolina’s Kevin Powers linked up with fellow North Carolinian BigBabyGucci for a new single titled “Company” this week, which pairs two of the state’s most prolific rising artists. The pair takes on a guitar-laced instrumental that provides a gruff melody ideal for the duo to croon over, each showcasing their vast vocal ranges and versatility that makes each of their catalogues so compelling. Powers’ songwriting is lucid and down-to-earth and his transparent lyrics have been a large factor in endearing so many listeners to his music. BigBabyGucci continues to be a model of consistency who has been releasing large quantities of music for several years and throughout the entire course of his career has always made it a point to innovate and build upon the stylistic strides he makes with each release, adding new wrinkles to his deliveries every time he unloads music. Keep an eye on Kevin Powers for the remainder of 2022 as his ceiling gets higher and higher with each new single and I am sure he is poised to make the leap into the mainstream consciousness soon.


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