Obama Says Pot Decriminalization is Possible



Welp, President Obama is pretty much giving us the biggest blue balls ever. It’s hard to know where he really stands with the marijuana nation. We know he gives stoners the love, but it’s still hard to see his intentions.

This week the publication VICE talked pot with Obama. In the interview, the president says:

We may be able to make some progress on the decriminalization side. At a certain point, if enough states end up decriminalizing, then Congress may then reschedule marijuana.

BUT… In the same interview, he said that legalization “shouldn’t be young people’s biggest priority.”

Someone tell Captain obvious to go home. Obama then continued:

Let’s put it in perspective. Young people, I understand this is important to you, but as you be thinking about climate change, the economy and jobs, war and peace, maybe way at the bottom you should be thinking about marijuana.

Tom Angell, chairman of the group Marijuana Majority, went on the record stating this:

The president is right that as voters force more and more changes to state marijuana laws, national policymakers will have no choice but to catch up. But he should think again about how important this issue is. On average, there’s a marijuana possession arrest in the U.S. about every minute. Billions of dollars are wasted on enforcing prohibition laws that don’t stop anyone from using marijuana but do ruin people’s lives with damaging criminal records. And the black market is controlled by drug cartels and gangs that use violence to protect their profits. This is a serious issue, and the president needs to treat it as such. In fact, his administration can reschedule marijuana without any further Congressional action needed. He should do that.


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