Premiere: Coach Tev – Bougie Heaux



With great honor, I would like to present to all of you Coach Tev’s newest track, “Bougie Heaux.”

This jazzy, smoky track is perfect for a night drive through the city. Definitely reminds me of an old movie. “Bougie Heaux” is one of those tracks that you can feels the emotions behind, which is something I absolutely love writing about.

One of my favorite things about this track is the use of saxophone. Sax is pretty much the backbone for “Bougie Heaux,” but you don’t need a lot of sax. A little goes a long way, and Coach Tev used the perfect amount. Without any further adieu, it’s my pleasure to present to you all Coach Tev’s latest track, “Bougie Heaux!” Check it out below.



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