Premiere: Ramaj Eroc – My Life ft. Parish Seyclouds, Benny Love, & David May



Ramaj Eroc is slowly becoming one of my favorite artists in this industry. With a spoken word edge to it, Eroc’s vibe is like a splash of tequila on a hot sunny day — refreshing with a kick to it. In a industry masked with gimmicks and fakeness, it’s quite refreshing to hear someone with such genuine lyrics.

Anyways, today, the homie decides to release some brand new tunes to hold over his fans. With Parish Seyclouds, Benny Love, & David May as the guest features, Ramaj Eroc hits us with his latest single called “My Life.”

With lyrics wrapped around some real life shit, Ramaj Eroc gives you his perspective of a fucked up world. Listen below.

Here’s another one of my favorite records by Eroc called “Cosby Kids.”


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