saiah. Opens the Vault w/ “PARADOX 3”


“a compilation of songs I said id never drop.” That’s the description for saiah.‘s surprise compilation, PARADOX 3, and we are very glad he decided to change his mind. Showcasing his capabilities, and bound by no genre, the incredibly talented Arizona artist is a testament to limitless creativity. Even with minor stumbles across the nine tracks, saiah. truly demonstrates the strength of his songwriting and the subtle power in his voice that easily leaves its mark on listeners. Including past hits, “POCAHONTAS” and “Girlfromjupiter” (which recently received awesome visuals), saiah. doesn’t leave us wanting for great new music. Other standouts, such as: “XO’S (TALKNOMORE)”, “Aura” and “Bystander”, guarantee that there’s something for everyone on here. Go check it out for yourself right now and possibly find a new favorite jam.


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