SoloSam Is Back With A New Heater Called “Numbers”


Sam is a cornerstone of this new Chicago movement, but he’s been at it for a long time now. As his sound and talents have developed, Sam has refined his creativity through a variety of channels of expression. Yes of course the beat and wordplay will always be top-tier but Sam‘s ability to be one of the most marketable rappers out is unmatched. Whether it’s Mike’s Hot Honey being sent his way or some frozen fruit treats, the brands love Sam. That shows real motion and a real ability to integrate his art into the real world.

Now let’s not forget why we’re here. This cut is a rejuvenation and fresh start for the Chicago-bred wordsmith and he doesn’t disappoint. The steady percussive elements of “Numbers” allow our protagonist to simply focus on his lyrical prowess. The beat gives him enough space for Sam to shine, while he drives home a real identity with his sound.

“It’s very easy to have imposter syndrome and begin to devalue your journey, sometimes
you have to create that moment of confidence that reminder that you are who you believe
you are and nobody can take that from you “ – SOLOSam

With mixing and mastering from the legend LEALE, this high-quality cut should be in rotation all summer for you. Don’t miss the plane, SoloSam isn’t playing around this Summer.


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