Stacy Money Delivers With “2 Girls 1 Stacy” Project


One of New Jersey’s best, Stacy Money, just dropped a new project today. Stacy Money just gave his fans the project they’ve all been waiting for with 2 Girls 1 StacyStacy chose his producers well, enlisting the help of Cor Blanco, Captaincrunch, Dez, Ragu, Good Intent, Tonio, k30, Ivsirs, Los, Alex Benjamin, Dylvinci, xanboy, and lxnelyboy. It’s obvious that Stacy knew exactly what he wanted to do with this project, and accomplished it. This is some heat, definitely one of his best drops to date. If you’re not a fan yet, I think 2Girls1Stacy will convince you to become one. Stream the latest from Stacy Money below!


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