Tony E’s “Churches” Is Too Gas To Ignore


Tony E was sent over by a trusted ear so you know we had to tap in. Aside from the brash production setting the scene to be as ominous as ever, Tony E introduces himself with no frills or fear. Donning gold fronts, Tony delivers his gospel in a way that the viewer cannot ignore.

His cadence is unwavering and filled with braggadocious feelings around every punchline. Instead of playing into the usual realm of music, this young man seeks to pave his own lane and watch the competition attempt to follow along. LIFEOFTHOM makes a steller appearance on this one as well, following up Tony‘s lead, but only accents and adds to the momentum.

Overall this is a great introduction to this duo and Tony has what it takes to make noise from here on out. The visuals meld incredibly well with the music and it flows into a cohesive package of brilliance. Don’t sleep on this one.


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