Utah Medical Marijuana Bill Advances to Final Vote in Senate



A bill that would permit citizens of Utah with medical conditions to possess/consume marijuana in edible or liquid form has finally moved one step closer to passing the Senate. The legislation in question, Senate Bill 259, is sponsored by Senator Mark Madsen, who describes medical marijuana as “highly regulated freedom” — stating that the people of Utah are in dire need of its medical treatment.

Senator Madsen also states that the passing of SB 259 would help reduce the rate of deaths in Utah associated with the many of people that are abusing prescription pain medications. “We give them this choice and we’re going to see a lot fewer deaths,” Madsen said.

Senator Todd Weiler, who opposes SB 259, says Senator Madsen tried to use hidden tactics to help introduce his legislation. Here’s what Senator Weiler had to say:

This bill was kept secret, it was hidden from the public, from all of the agencies — none of the departments. I talked to DOPL today, they never saw this bill until Wednesday, last week.

Senate Bill 259 will undergo a third reading in the Senate chambers before facing a final vote. Go out and vote, Utah!



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